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Arctic animals live in our wildlife park; a total of about 50 northern and arctic animal species and about 150 animal individuals. Well-being is one of the central values ​​of Ranua Wildlife Park and we want to act responsibly. Most of our residents were born in shelter conditions here or in other animal parks, and are used to the presence of humans – still we ask all our visitors to respect the peace of the animals in their own home, and to behave in a calm manner near the enclosures.

The only polar bear in Finland lives in our wildlife park, and we also have wolves, lynxes, wolverines, brown bears, arctic fox, owls, moose, reindeer, otters and much more! The animals have spacious enclosures in the middle of the forest, which resemble their natural habitat.

The enclosures also provide animals with hiding places and opportunities for choice; sometimes animals want to be alone, eat or sleep, and other times they want to observe their surroundings or play – either alone or together. Be patient and wait quietly by the enclosures to see the animals. If the enclosure seems quiet, it’s worth coming again after a while; the animals may be eating or napping.

Summertime feeding shows 1.6.-11.8.2024

Summer is a great time to visit Ranua Wildlife Park as we organize daily feeding shows! At the feedings you will hear the animal keepers telling fascinating things about our animals, see animals eating behaviour, and get a chance to ask guestions that are puzzling your mind. The feeding shows will be held daily according to the schedule below. Changes are possible.

At 11.30 am Dhole / wolverine / arctic fox

  • Mon  – dhole
  • Tue    – wolverine
  • Wed  – arctic fox
  • Thu    – dhole
  • Fri      – arctic fox
  • Sat     – wolverine
  • Sun    – arctic fox

At 1 pm Brown bear 

At 2.30 pm Feedings at domestic animal park